
Want to have fun without breaking the bank?

We are quickly approaching the period of summer where you’re likely trying to find things to keep the kids (or yourself) busy. Odds are, you have already done most the things on your list, and you’re realizing how much time you still have left of summer break.

Not only have you likely done most the “activities” on your list, but you also know just how expensive finding more activities might be. Here are a few local resources that you can utilize to find activities without breaking the bank.

Local Garden Tours!

There are multiple different gardens open throughout Greensboro that are free to the public. These could be great places to utilize to get out of the house and get a little sunshine. Maybe you need to burn off some of your little ones’ energy? Look no further. Click below to learn more about each garden and their hours of operation.

Greensboro Arboretum

Tanger Family Bicentennial Garden 

Gateway Gardens

Bog Garden at Benjamin Park 

Sports Fans?

Do you have any sports fans in your family? Well, head over to the ACC Hall of Champions if you’re looking to fill a few hours and learn all about the ACC.  It is located in the Greensboro Coliseum Complex’s Special Events Center. You’ll find life-size mascots for ACC schools along with memorabilia to celebrate coaches, players and fans!

ACC Hall of Champions

Greensboro Library Events

The public Greensboro Library hosts all kinds of free events throughout the summer. These range from story time (indoor and outdoor), game nights and trivia, to workshops. Grab a friend, family, or both and head on over! Click the link below for their calendar of events.

Calendar of Events

Art Museum

Greensboro has a few places to go to view some amazing artwork. Both the Weatherspoon Art Museum and the Ambleside Gallery host paintings and sculptures. Also, the Green Hill Center for North Carolina Art showcases art created by North Carolina Artists only. If you or your loved ones love art, check these places out.

Green Hill Center 

Weatherspoon Art Museum (sadly under construction until August 14th)

Ambleside Gallery

While there are so many more things to do in Greensboro, we hope this gives you a good start! Many of these activities are free and remain open all year. If you don’t get to them this summer, no worries!

Introducing Some New Faces!

If you’ve been looking for a psychological evaluation, you know how difficult it is to find an appointment without a tremendous waitlist. We have continued to see a growing demand for psychological evaluations. So, we have gladly added two new clinicians to our testing team to provide greater access to these services. We are thrilled to introduce Kelis Tulloch, MS and Madhuvanti Patwardhan, Psy.D., LPA. Continue reading to learn more about each of them.

Kelis Tulloch, MS 

Madhuvanti Patwardhan, Psy.D., LPA

How long have you been working in the mental health field?

Kelis Tulloch: I have been working in the mental health field for about 3.5 years.

Madhuvanti Patwardhan: Including graduate school practicums since 2014. Without anything from graduate school including Internship 3 years

Why did you choose psychological testing?

KT: I chose psychological testing because I love seeing how people think and problem solve. I also enjoy helping people with understanding more about their brain and curating resources and avenues to better assist with their daily functionality. The tests sometimes provides a gateway into their daily lives and how the world looks from their perspective, and knowing that by using various assessment batteries, along with establishing rapport, allows me a better understanding of how I can help with some difficulties they may be experiencing regularly.

MP: I was fascinated by how numbers we see on a page can magically tell us what disorder the person has. For someone who struggled with finding answers, solving the puzzle for them, whether that be a psychological or neurological disorder (psych/neuropsych testing) and helping them see why they feel /behave/ struggle with things was satisfying. The feedback from them, the looks on their faces and their satisfaction with the solved puzzle was PRICELESS to say the least and very gratifying.

What population of clients do you serve? Why that group?

KT: I serve all populations from 18 months to geriatric. I chose such a broad population because I believe the work I do is important enough to help everyone, not just a particular group.

MP: I have historically worked with the 16 -90+ age group and more recently also the 12-16 age group. With the former it has been mostly neurological problems (my JAM). Most of my training has been with that population with neuropsychological testing for disorders which include a Dementia, MCI, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, TBI, ADHD and other neurological diagnosis. I generally gravitate toward serving older adults given they are a vulnerable group with limited access to healthcare and services, in need of immediate services and long wait times. With the more recent group in serving that population I feel that early interventions are most helpful for them to minimize problems, reduce risk and to facilitate the services they need to become successful adults and be able to live fruitful and happy lives.

Where did you move from?

KT: I recently moved from Orlando, FL.

MP: Illinois

What are you most sad to leave behind?

KT: I have always enjoyed traveling, seeing new places, and creating new experiences for myself so I don’t think of this transition as me leaving anything behind per se and I’m certainly not sad about it, haha. If anything, I am very excited about this move and invite all new opportunities and growth.

MP: NOTHING, my family moved with me and that to me sums up my little happy world. Home is where the heart is.

What are you looking forward to the most about working at CPA?

KT: I am mostly looking forward to gaining as much experience as I can within my field and honing my skillset to better my craft amongst innovative, experienced, and passionate professionals.

MP: Continuing to serve our community in the best possible way I can. CPA is a wonderful practice where I have in a short time felt welcomed, supported, and encouraged to serve the community. I look forward to forming strong collegial relationships with everyone at CPA and continuing to grow professionally.

What is something that you enjoy doing for fun?

KT: I enjoy trying new things (i.e., food, places, activities) and traveling.

MP: Hanging out with my family (dogs, ducks and chickens included), fishing, bowling, hiking , travelling and cooking (very therapeutic and enjoyable).

Share a fun fact about yourself!

KT: I studied as an actress and graduated from a conservatory in 2022.

MP: I have been told I cook a MEAN steak even though I don’t eat BEEF ever. LOL!!! And I can give the wing makers/restaurants a run for their money ‘cause I make the most culturally blended spicy chicken wings….. (In short why are you a psychologist when you can have a successful restaurant?)

Supporting Others: What To Do When Someone You Love Is Struggling

Can you think of a loved one who has been struggling recently?

Some seasons of life are harder than others and knowing how to support our loved ones during those hard seasons is important. The best place to start is just asking your loved one how you can support them during their difficult season. If that feels too uncomfortable, here are a few places to start.

Active listening

One of the best ways to show support is by active listening. This means that you are listening without interruption and without judgement. So often we listen in order to respond or give advice, but active listening allows individuals to share their feelings and experiences completely with validation from you, the listener. When practicing active listening reflect back what they are saying and use open ended questions. This can help them feel heard and give them space to continue sharing their feelings.

Pitch in Practically

When someone is struggling, even simple life tasks can feel daunting and overwhelming. This is where you can step in! Offering to grab a few groceries, bring them dinner, or offering an hour or two of childcare can go a long way. If you’re over at their house, pitch in by doing the dishes or folding some laundry. While these tasks feel small and insignificant, they can make a huge difference for someone in a difficult season.

Be consistent

The best type of support is consistent support. This could be consistent check ins or setting up regularly occurring outings. Maybe you “schedule” a specific time each week or month to catch up. You could bring coffee, meet for a walk, or meet at the park for the kids to play. Whatever you decide, just commit to being consistent. Being reliable for someone during a hard season will go a long way. If they know they can rely on you, they are much more likely to reach out for help when they need it.

Understanding Anxiety: What Is It and How To Cope

Odds are, you’ve heard someone talk about anxiety before. Or maybe you’ve been the one talking about it. According to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) 31.1% of US adults experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. Continue reading for a very brief overview of anxiety. The more we know about mental health disorders the more we can raise awareness for them and recognize them in ourselves and others around us.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, worry, or fear brought on by a perceived threat or stressor. This response is natural and can range from severe fear to mild unease. While everyone will experience anxiety from time to time, chronic or severe anxiety can interfere with your daily life, indicating the possibility of an anxiety disorder. There are multiple different disorders related to anxiety including, but not limited to: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia, and Agoraphobia.

Common Symptoms:

Symptoms of anxiety can manifest differently for individuals, meaning you might experience anxiety differently than others in your life. Some common symptoms of anxiety can include physical symptoms, emotional symptoms and behavioral symptoms.

Physical Symptoms: Some physical symptoms might include an increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, tense muscles, and gastrointestinal issues.

Emotional Symptoms: Some emotional symptoms might include excessive worry, increased irritability, and restlessness.

Behavioral Symptoms: Some behavioral symptoms might include avoidance of stressful situations, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty sleeping.

This is not an extensive list for all symptoms and symptoms may vary for specific anxiety diagnoses.

Building Coping Skills

It is important to have some coping skills that you can quickly use when feeling anxious.  Relaxation is a key part of addressing anxiety and the symptoms that come along with it. If we recognize anxiety as a fear response, we can manually help our bodies and minds relax by using various coping skills. While there are a very wide range of strategies to use, we will focus on a few below.

Deep breathing: Utilizing a breathing exercise is one of the most effective ways to combat feelings of anxiety. Quick, shallow beathing is a part of your body’s stress response. By intentionally taking slow, deep breaths you can decrease your heart rate and quiet down your sympathetic nervous system (the system responsible for your natural stress response) ultimately leading to decreased feelings of worry and nervousness.

Grounding Techniques: When anxious, you are often thinking about something from the past or the future. Grounding techniques are designed to bring your mind back to the present moment and reconnect your brain and body. A very common grounding technique is “5-4-3-2-1.” This exercise encourages you to name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. When doing this exercise, you are intentionally shifting your mind to focus on the things around you instead of the anxious thoughts.

Movement: Moving your body is also a great strategy to help manage anxiety. This could look like yoga, walking, hiking, or stretching. Movement increases endorphins in your body and can also take your mind off of those anxious thoughts. This movement does not have to take a large amount of time but could be 5 minutes of stretching in your office or 10 minutes of yoga before heading to bed. The goal is to find the movement that works best for you.

Have a better understanding of anxiety? While this is only a brief description of anxiety, symptoms, and coping skills, we hope you learned something new. The more we know about anxiety the better we are at recognizing it and addressing it.

Meeting a Growing Need in Our Community!

The growing need for quality clinicians is apparent, and we are working hard to meet that need within our community. With that being said, we are excited to announce Sophie Burns, LSCWA as a new clinician in the Greensboro Office! She started in March and has not missed a beat since her first day. Continue reading to learn more about our newest team member! 

Why did you choose Social Work?

I chose Social Work because I have a passion to help others.  Ever since I was little, making others smile brought me joy.  I turned my passion into purpose by choosing Social Work so I can work with others to improve their quality of life in any way that looks like!  

What population of clients do you serve? Why that group?

I serve all populations of clients! Treating different age ranges provides such a different style of therapy that I love to have the opportunity to experience.  With each different population, there are different “favorites” with serving them!

Did you relocate?

I recently moved from Cary, North Carolina! 

What are you sad to leave behind?

 I am sad to leave behind my family.  I was born and raised in Cary, which is where my entire family still lives.  Luckily, it is only a short drive to go see them so I can still have plenty of family time!

Why did you choose CPA?

I chose CPA because of their core values in serving the clients we get to work with.  CPA has a collaborative approach among the staff members which allows one another to be supportive with the common goal in mind, to best serve of our clients.

Share what you enjoy doing for fun!

For fun, I enjoy spending time outside with my dog!  We love to go somewhere pretty and wooded to walk… bonus points if it has water!

Do you have a fun fact?

I have a twin sister and I recently got engaged to a twin! 😀

Stress Less, Laugh More: A Brief “How To” For Stress Management

What is your definition of “stress?”

According to the Webster dictionary, stress is “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.”

While we may experience stress differently, from different stressors, one thing is the same: stress is an inevitable part of life.

But don’t worry, there are plenty of skills and strategies you can utilize to help manage your stress throughout life. Below are a few strategies you can try out over this month, because April is Stress Awareness Month!

Label things IN your control and OUT of your control

How in the world is labeling going to help with my stress? Well, that is a great question! You see, most of the time we stress about things we have absolutely no control over….can you think of an example?

The weather. Someone else’s feelings.  How much homework a teacher will assign. What question your boss might ask in that upcoming meeting.

These are all examples of stressors that are completely out of your control, unfortunately. Therefore, labeling what is in your control and out of your control is a great first step. If you can recognize something is out of your control, like the weather while on a trip, then you can refocus your attention on things you can control, like packing a raincoat or planning indoor activities. This does not eliminate the stressor, but helps you manage it.

List your priorities

Making a list, really? I know, just hear me out.

I’m sure you have a very, very long list of things tugging at your limited time. How do you decide what to get done and what can wait? Fine tuning this process can help manage the never-ending to-do list and stress that comes with it.

Write out your top 3 to 5 priorities for the day, the week, or the month (whatever timeline works best for you). This is your “needs to get done today, non-negotiable” list. Then you have a “running list” (think of this as a word bank) of all the other tasks you need to do at some point, but maybe they aren’t quite as time sensitive as the top 3-5. Work through your top priority list first, and if you have time leftover you can always add more from your “running list.” This can help you create some order to the many tasks vying for your precious time.

Maintain boundaries

Work-life balance is essential for healthy stress management. This might be a “trendy phrase,” however many people have no idea how to put it into practice. Healthy boundaries with work can look like taking a full lunch break (technology free), setting a strict cutoff time for work emails, creating clear “out of office” auto-replies to protect your personal time, and taking scheduled, short breaks throughout your workday to step away. Remember, the work will always be there when you come back from lunch, a break, or vacation.

Now this is certainly not a comprehensive list, but is a good place to start. Maybe even bring some of these up with your therapist at your next appointment or share with a friend. We’d love to know stress management strategies that work best for you!

Meet our newest team members!

We are thrilled to be growing our team in the Greensboro office again. Both Allison Sanders, MS, LCMHC and Erin McCarthy have already started seeing clients.

Allison Sanders, MA, LCMHC serves preteens. adolescents, young adults, and adults with various concerns with anxiety, depression, self-esteem, relationships, communication, and life transitions.

We are also excited to have Erin McCarthy as a counseling intern for 2024. She is serving clients ages 18 and older. Continue reading to learn more about each of them!

What services do you provide here at CPA?

Allison: I provide therapy to individuals aged 8 and up.

Erin: I am seeing clients for individual therapy using a client-centered/humanistic approach and dealing with issues such as depression, anxiety, life transitions, grief/loss, and stress management.

Why did you choose this work?

A: I’m a career changer, so “newer” to the counseling field, but I think my other roles have always lent themselves to serving people and helping them in a way to become a favorite version of themselves. I previously worked in higher education in various capacities from advising to teaching to leadership roles, but I think what I always came back to was wanting to hear people’s stories and helping them empower themselves. I went back to school part-time, taking the slow-and-steady route while continuing to work full-time. 

E: Albeit perhaps a bit cliché, it is more accurate to say that this work has chosen me. Coming from the vastly different career field of Veterinary Medicine, this decision to pursue a career in counseling was not made lightly and has brought into alignment my background in Psychology and passion for and advocacy of those who are in need. I plan to pursue my PhD Clinical Psychology beyond this program.

What population of clients do you serve? Why that age/group?

A: I serve children, adolescents, and adults aged 8 and up. I think each age group lends itself to something unique. An overarching theme that weaves through is helping clients learn how to understand and manage their “big emotions” and finding their voice. I also enjoy helping them see things in a different perspective and learn to navigate through different life stages. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to therapy so continuing to learn about different modalities and techniques keeps me on my toes as well.    

E: During this internship, I will be working with clients from their late teens up until late adulthood. I hope to specialize in gerontological counseling moving forward in my career, with a focus on rural populations.

Where did you move from? 

A: I’m originally from western Pennsylvania but have lived in various locations since then. I’ve called North Carolina home since 2015. I’m a fan of all things Pittsburgh including the insufferable Pirates who have been trying to rebuild since 1992.

E: I have lived in North Carolina most of my life, except for a couple of years in Maryland during the Pandemic, returning to NC to finish out my internship portion of my Clinical Mental Health Counseling program.

What are you looking forward to while working at CPA?

A: I’m looking forward to getting to know my colleagues and to be able to collaborate with them in a positive space and have fun. I consider myself a lifelong learner, so I am also looking forward to learning from them and expanding my own knowledge base and skill set to better serve my clients.

E: I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be working at Carolina Psychological Associates for the duration of my internship and have already learned so much from this exceptional group of clinicians. I am excited to work beside this company’s knowledgeable and caring practitioners, as well as to learn and grow alongside my clients.

What do you enjoy doing for fun?

A: I like working out and spending time with friends and family. I also enjoy being outdoors (people-watching is great). I’m hoping to be more successful in my attempts this spring and summer to get out on the water to kayak and paddleboard. 

E: I have a love for learning and developing new skills, and consequently continue to add activities to my “Fun List.” I enjoy what nature can provide in the way of restoration and peace and try to make a date with the outdoors as often as I am able. Kayaking, hiking, swimming, camping, and trips to the mountains or beach are staples. I also spend time reading, doing puzzles, listening to podcasts/music, and making art in the way of sketching/painting.

Share a fun fact about yourself!

A: I have two rescue dogs, Murphy (an English Foxhound) and Hurley (a pittie), and also volunteer with Triangle Beagle Rescue. From time-to-time, I transport beagles coming in from different parts of the state (and beyond!) to their foster homes. They’re pretty good paw-sengers except when they want to sing the songs of their people (think howling 😊).

E: I have an extensive “Would-Love-To-Do” list. I am fascinated by severe weather (with a healthy respect for it) and would love to go on a tornado-chasing tour. I would also love to have my pilot’s license, and have taken a few flying lessons so far, once over the Rockies (hello, turbulence!). I would also not say no to going on a polar bear tour in Svalbard, Iceland.

Most fun fact: I have a Ragdoll cat named Kjerag, named after a Norwegian fjord, who goes by “Shmoo.”

Embracing the Journey: A Guide to Cultivating Self-Love

When is the last time you showed yourself some love?

The idea of self-love can carry a negative connotation. Some might even assume you’re being “selfish” if you indulge in some form of self-love. However, prioritizing yourself is important for overall wellbeing and maintaining healthy relationships.

I’m sure you have heard of the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” But what does this have to do with self-love? Well, keeping your cup full is important to be able to pour into others, and self-love is an essential way to keep your cup full. Here are some quick tips to help fill your cup!

Identifying Personal Strengths:

You are good at something. In fact, I bet you’re good at multiple things. How often are you thinking about the things you’re good at or succeed in? Probably not as often as you think about your weaknesses. Try this; spend the next 30 seconds identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

I bet you could easily think of your weaknesses but struggled to identify your strengths. Over the next month, work to identify your personal strengths. Recognizing these strengths will help boost your self-esteem and can result in increased self-love. We should celebrate the things we’re good at and our unique qualities!

Cultivating Self-Compassion:

Embracing understanding can be difficult, and it can be even more difficult when it comes to ourselves. However, being understanding is an important part of self-compassion. Being as compassionate towards ourselves as we would be to someone else is a key part of practicing self-love. This might look like forgiving yourself for making a mistake, giving yourself the benefit of the doubt, embracing good intentions that didn’t turn out the way you expected, and not judging yourself for the way you feel.

Setting Boundaries for Self-Care:

How often is self-care the first thing to “go” when your schedule gets tight? Probably more often than you’d like. Setting boundaries is scary! And, because it is scary, we are less likely to set boundaries for things we might not identify as a necessity. However, self-care is indeed a necessity and therefore might require a clear boundary to protect it in your busy schedule. Take a look at your schedule and find a few times you can “block off” for self-care. Keep reading below for specific activities you can incorporate into these time blocks.

Creating a Self-Love Ritual:

Humans are creatures of habits. That means, if you’re reading this, you are a creature of habit (surprise!) A self-love ritual combines self-care, self-awareness, and a positive connection with oneself on a consistent basis. Including practices like gratitude journaling, meditation, positive affirmations, gentle movement, and intention setting throughout your day is a great way to make your own self-love ritual.

Valentine’s Day often gets overtaken by romantic love. However, self-love can be just as important. So, here’s to incorporating more self-love into your Valentine’s Day celebrations.

New Year’s Resolutions: A Mental Health Prospective

Every year there is chatter about New Year’s Resolutions. Some people have a long list of things they’re going to change in the New Year, while others might have just one thing to change. Some have extreme changes, others just minor. While there are many opinions about resolutions as a whole, there are some important factors to consider to ensure your resolution is helpful and successful. 



Why now?

Is there something magical about January 1 of a new year? No. So, why now? Spend some time thinking about if now is the right time to set your resolution. Why haven’t you made this change before? What is different now? Maybe now is the time!

Make it achievable.

There is so much pressure to completely “overhaul” your lifestyle at the beginning of the year, and this might be sustainable for a month. But is it achievable for the whole year? Remember, these are yearlong changes. You can always add more goals or increase the difficulty throughout the year. So, start small and add more later if needed! 



Create a routine.

Good intentions, alone, are not enough to make lasting change. Creating a new routine will help create and maintain change. While you may be motivated now, this motivation will wane, and having a routine you can rely on is essential. 

Create accountability.

Will anyone know if you don’t complete your resolution? Community can be a key part of success. This might look like a “buddy” to do it with you or someone you check in with throughout the process. Bottom line, change in isolation is really difficult. Invite someone into the journey with you. 

 Think about each of these in relation to your New Year’s Resolution and feel free to make changes as needed. Above all, remember that change can happen at any time of the year. The pressure of January 1 can be overwhelming for some, so take your time and think through specific goals that are meaningful to you. Here’s to small, consistent changes throughout all of 2024. 

Embracing Growth: Reflecting on 2023

 When do you typically reflect on the previous year? Maybe you don’t?

In the rush of the holidays, we typically move right through the celebrations, straight to the next year’s resolutions and goals. This does not leave much time for valuable reflections on the previous year, before launching right into the next.

Why is reflection so important? That’s a great question. 

The practice of reflection can increase self-awareness, gratitude, learning, and growth while decreasing stress! It can even help improve your decision-making. Are you convinced it’s important yet? 

While these are all important outcomes, the practice of reflection can be uncomfortable. It requires us to take a close look at previous events, some that might have caused a large amount of stress, sadness, or anger. Therefore, before starting this guided reflection, grab a journal, find a private place to sit, and take a few deep breaths. 

What Were Your High Points and Achievements?

Reflect on the positive moments and accomplishments from 2023. This could include personal achievements, professional milestones, or any positive experiences that brought you joy and a sense of accomplishment. These might be things you shared with others or something others know nothing about. 

How Did You Cope with Challenges and Setbacks?

Explore the challenges you faced and how you coped and navigated them. Reflect on your resilience and the strategies you used to overcome the various obstacles you experienced throughout the year. What coping skills worked best? If you realized don’t have many coping skills, take a few minutes to write down a few new coping skills you’d like to try. 

What Did You Learn About Yourself?

Consider the personal insights and self-discoveries you made throughout the year. This could be related to your strengths and your personal values. This learning might have revealed aspects of yourself that you would like to work on. Understanding oneself is a crucial step in personal growth.

How Did You Prioritize Self-Care and Well-being?

Evaluate how well you prioritized your self-care and well-being. Which habits and practices contributed to your mental and emotional health throughout the year. Identify areas where you excelled in self-care and areas for growth in the coming year. Would you prioritize self-care differently next year? 

What did you think of this guided reflection? Feel free to share it with others who might also want some time to reflect. If you are currently seeing a therapist, these are great topics to bring up in your therapy sessions. If you’d like to begin talking to someone, feel free to call our front office at (336) 272-0855.